Vote On Election Day

When:  On Election Day, November 5, polls are open from 6:30 am to 7:30 pm.

What You Need To Know

Where:  You must vote in the county where you are registered to vote.  Find your assigned polling place here.  You can vote at a different polling place in your county if you can’t get to your assigned place, but you may be given a “provisional ballot.”  It will count for all the state and countywide contests.

 What to bring:  A photo ID – your student ID card (not the digital version) or NC driver’s license will work.  If you forget your ID or don’t have one, ask for an “Exception Form” to fill out.   You can also bring a list of your choices into the poll, on paper or on your phone.

 Make a change:  You can update your address if you’ve moved within your county or update your name when you vote.

Got a problem?

For ANY question about voting, call the free hotline: 888-OUR-VOTE

or visit NCVOTER.ORG

Want to get prepared to cast your ballot? Check out this nonpartisan voter guide

If you have any problem at the poll, ask to use a “provisional ballot” and call: 888-OUR-VOTE.